Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Can you hear me now?

So, I'm just wondering if you're out there. It's exciting to have blog followers already. How many others are checking in to see what we have to say?

Honestly, I've been trying to come up with a spiritual analogy for my medical diagnosis I received today. It seems I have a bulging disc. Ooh! And it's getting on my nerve, which, of course, is causing the numbness clear down to my toes. I have been numb now for a whole week. It's a strange feeling, one I won't soon forget. It's numb to the point of pain, but not unbearable all the time, thank God!

So, ladies, help me out. Is there a spiritual lesson to go along with this? If you can't think of one, that's okay, but thank you for your prayers for me and for all the others in our church family facing trials of all kinds.

Oh, and don't forget to "stand in the gap" for our youth group trip to Acquire the Fire this Saturday. (incidentally, I won't be going along - hmmm, interesting turn of events) God has some mighty messages for all who give Him a listen!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris,
    we are listening and thank you for sharing ( you too Dianna)!! I am so excited that we have this blog. Somewhere to go and share. I don't have a lesson to go along with what your experiencing, but just remember God is good and faithful all the time. In the past I've always prayed during tough times, but now I praise Him thru tough times. Hope you get to feeling better soon. Love in Him, Tracey
