Wednesday, June 24, 2009

You have been a refuge, shelter, shade...

Isaiah 25:4 "You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in his distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat."

My youngest son is gone to a youth conference this week. He left after the second song in the second service Sunday. I know he is having a wonderful time getting away and spending the week with lots of teenagers! I started a tradition several years ago when my kids first started going to youth camps and conferences. I set my alarm for earlier in the morning and wake up to pray for them and ask God to reveal Himself to them that week, to keep them safe, to let them experience Him in a new way, etc. And God has blessed these weeks. These experiences have "cemented (is this a word?)" their relationships with God in a way that is different than the every day experiences they have at home. Being with other teenagers who are seeking Christ, worshiping Him, and joining with them in these times is so huge for kids.

This morning as I was praying, I thought about how different God is for each of us. When I asked Him to reveal Himself to my son, I realized the many ways He reveals Himself to me, but that God would meet needs so vastly different for my teenage son. Wow! Think about it, your needs and my needs are different and yet He is so real and personal. Now you might be thinking, "Chris - what a basic thought. Haven't you had that before?" I guess I just never thought about it in terms of mothers and sons and how God is God to both of us.

Then I went to the Word and asked God to give me a verse that expressed this thought. And He did! Wow! again. These are just some of the words to describe Him - refuge, shelter, shade...

I pray that you enjoy Him and that He reveals Himself to you in a new way today!

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