Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Women Have a Blog!

This is my first attempt at blogging. So here goes...

We are excited to present our new addition to the Women's Ministry here at Crossroads Community Church. Our purpose is to build a place of connection through this blog that might enable women to be informed and edified. Now you're probably wondering what the word "edified" means. It's not very commonly used, but it's full of meaning. An online dictionary defines it as:

edified - instructed and encouraged in moral, intellectual, and spiritual improvement

That makes sense, doesn't it? I try to look for ways to be more edified. That means I look for a variety of means to help me improve spiritually. That would include Bible study, prayer, church attendance, and "connecting" with other women of all walks of life. There is so much we can learn from each other as we enter the many "crossroads" in our lifetime.

I hope you will find this blog a place where you can come each day for refreshment and inspiration and that it will encourage us to feel connected - not only in cyberspace, but face to face!

Let me introduce you to our pastor's wife - Dianna Hammond is married to Pastor Eddie Hammond. They are the parents of Stacy Hollis and Josh Hammond and the grandparents of Elijah, Josiah, and "Baby Boy" (due in August) Hollis. When asked what she would like to share about life with Eddie, she replied "He is the same 24-7. What you see on Sunday morning is what I see all week. I've learned so much about loving people from him. He needs our prayers as he leads Crossroads."

1 comment:

  1. Our family prays daily for our leaders as the scriptures command. Eddie and Dianna have been a blessing to so many people through their dedication to each other, the people at Crossroads, the people of Sullivan, and throughout the world. We are truly blessed to call Eddie and Dianna a brother and sister in Christ and "friend"...Love you both!
