Galatians 6:9 "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.
10 So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith."
It may seem like a strange topic for a Monday, but I just want to share what a blessing last night at church was. First of all, the Fireproof movie is absolutely awesome. Kirk Cameron did some of his very finest work here. It is intense, not a bit cheesey (which some people assume because it's a movie about marriage), and quite beautifully inspiring. AND, you need plenty of tissues. I loved what I saw of it. We were kind of busy with the teens/concessions, so Mike and I will watch all of it together, maybe tonight.
Then I want to mention the teens/concessions. We made about $150 for the youth group! But more than that--I was so proud of those kids. They served people, worked together like a team, and really represented Crossroads in a spectacular way. Am I exaggerating? I don't think so. They were also busy coming up with ideas on doing "Movie Night" more often and offering a "Date Night" for parents to drop off their kids for a movie and snacks, and parents could go out on a date. Now Mike and I didn't come up with this idea. The kids did. They loved the idea of getting together and doing something for others!
Brad and Abby Mason came with little Hunter to look after any other babies that came with their parents. Hunter was the only one, and since Brad and Abby had seen the movie already, they went on home after hanging out with the teens for a bit.
I especially want to mention Pastor Eddie and the other adults who played kickball with the kids whose parents were watching the movie last night. And in case you didn't realize it, it was hot and humid. They played outside until intermission, then came in for concessions. Eddie made sure everyone had a cold drink, then headed back outside to play more. I think they were all quite exhausted after about 2 1/2 hours of kickball in the heat. But the kids had a blast! And what an experience for the kids to know that adults cared enough to spend that time with them.
We are so blessed to have a Pastor who not only preaches the whole Bible to us, but lives it too. He didn't delegate the job to someone else, but "got down and got dirty". He was pretty sweaty, too.
We estimated that there were between 60 and 70 people there for that fantastic evening! I wish there would have been more. But maybe it's the start of something good.
Some of us are tired from the effort put forth last night. Some are way more tired than others. But we'll start in again today looking for ways to continue to build the Kingdom. I hope the message will spread and serving will become so contagious that we look as busy as a beehive, or the workers putting up the new Dollar General. I don't drive by there and see any of them sitting back, watching the others work. They're all working like crazy for the goal.
So, spread the word, and let's encourage one another not to grow weary, but to keep on keeping on!